The Print: October Edition

The Print: October Edition


Goodbye October, you sure were gorgeous. October has been wonderful for my family. A deep dive into sturdiness after the chaos of September. Laughing with girlfriends, last sips of Summer on the beach, getting back into my routine of reading cookbooks in bed and plotting my culinary adventures - all solid marks of being and feeling a bit more settled. I have a huge trip to India next month to see my beloved team, so preparing for that in every way I can. I cannot wait to be back in the magic that is hand made, all day, every day, with love. Speaking of, we are dropping our first ever Holiday Gifting Capsule, 100% exclusive to our e-commerce, next week and we could not be more excited to share it with you.

What does Small Batch mean?

Small batch means tiny production runs - truly made in a slow, thoughtful manner, with expert craftsmanship and love. For instance, some of our dresses may have fewer than five pieces per size.

On the Chopping Block

My GF for life, Anna Jones has a newish book out Easy Wins, that is driving me giddy with glee. The book is about twelve readily panty stocked items you can build a delicious (and easy) recipe around. Last week I cooked these peanut and chilli noodles and my entire family was thrilled.

SZ Piece of the Month

Our newly launched Surf Pullover is giving me life and getting lots of daily usage. For work, for play, she is a winner.

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